Teenagers get a bad rep these days. Notorious for being self-absorbed, my generation is often described as lazy and apathetic. We are often plagued by the expression “kids these days” or condescending anecdotes from our elders that start with “when I was your age”.
However, let me assure you that not all of us teenagers are selfie-taking, video-game-playing, narcissistic robots. Enloe High School is overflowing with self-motivated, passionate, civic-minded individuals who genuinely strive to give back to their community. That being said, I think that it’s time that we rewrite what it means to be a “kid these days”. Let’s show our community first hand that we are not bound by stereotypes and that our age defines neither our efforts nor our impact. I can’t think of a better way to do this than through Enloe’s Charity Ball.
To many, the idea of raising $120,000 is inconceivable. Add to that the fact that we are high school students taking on this task and it is even harder to believe. And yet I have no doubt in my mind that we will reach our goal. I know that we will achieve what we have set out to do because as Enloe students we radiate excellence in everything we do. The incredible charity Urban Ministries, which aims to eradicate homelessness, hunger, and a lack of healthcare in our community, has now entered Enloe’s realm of greatness and we will not stop until our goal has been reached.
To all of the teenagers reading this, I ask that you step it up with us. Let’s rewrite what it means to be a kid. Let’s shatter the preconceived notion that we are self-absorbed. Let’s prove to our community how much we are capable of accomplishing. We have been given an incredible opportunity to make a tangible difference for so many people. Let’s take advantage of this life-altering chance to rewrite the future for others while simultaneously redefining the image of our generation. Why take a kid-sized step when we could take a $120,000 one?
Looking forward to seeing everyone December 10th.
Lyndsey Gordon
Service Officer