Last year on December 12, I sat in my room scrolling through Instagram when I came across pictures from Enloe Charity Ball. I saw people dancing, posing, and having fun. Then I saw the check. The check of $118,000 for Learning together. At first I thought I read it wrong, and after rereading it about 118,000 times it finally hit me that “kids” had actually raised that much money. Ever since that day, I have been inspired by their amazing work and the impact they are making on our community.
This year when I joined Student Council I thought I was ready for Charity Ball. I thought I understood the amount of work and the amount of passion each student puts into Charity Ball. Then I visited Urban Ministries. I learned who they help, how they help, and how we can help. I learned what the money we raise will be used for and who it will impact. However, at the Student Council retreat, I finally saw the “behind the scenes.” I saw all the hard work and energy everyone contributes; I saw all the amazing ideas; I saw what seemed impossible becoming a reality. I can’t begin to express how proud I am to be a part of Enloe Student Council, how happy I am to be able to help Urban Ministries, and how excited I am to see the result of everyone’s hard work and determination.
Gargi Mahadeshwar
Freshman Council Advisory Representative