Being a freshman, my experience with Charity Ball has been hectic. We have been busy planning these first few weeks, and are constantly hearing stories about how the hard work pays off. Urban Ministries is a great example of this mindset. Urban Ministries provides much needed assistance to the families in our communities to help with Hunger, Healthcare, and Homelessness. In Wake County, every night there are an estimated 800-1,100 people who are without a home or shelter to sleep in. While completing my Silver Award for Girl Scouts in 2014, my Troop and I decided to help the women in the Helen Wright Center, which is an Urban Ministries funded program. The Helen Wright Center is a shelter in Downtown Raleigh where up to 36 women can sleep and get help with their financial situations, job training, and meals. These women deserve to have a safe place to sleep and eat. Charity Ball will make a large impact in these women’s lives. This is one of the many programs that Urban Ministries has to help our community, and I am proud to support them again. If you want to get involved, let me know! If you would like to make a donation, this is the link to do so, https://charityball.webconnex.com/cb2016
Mimi Watts