Not long after, Charity Ball season came around and I got introduced to Urban Ministries of Wake County. Urban Ministries is an amazing charity that impacts so many people in our community. After learning about what we would be doing for them, I experienced the same feeling of pride that I did in 7th grade. We are making a difference, we are kids doing not kid things, and that is incredible. By providing them with health care, a food pantry, shelter, educational courses, cooking classes, and overall support, Urban Ministries is helping people all over Raleigh get back on their feet and learn to spread their wings. This gives these people a sense of independence that makes them feel like they can make a difference in their own lives.
Being on student council has allowed us to experience that same feeling of independence, by collecting donations and setting up Charity Ball all by ourselves. Collecting donations for Charity Ball is like giving glasses to people who can’t afford to see, so that these people can finally start to envision their future.
Hannah Kaufman
Freshman Council Advisory Representative
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