I had the privilege and joy of working with the Enloe Charity Ball Team in 2015 when I was Executive Director of Learning Together, Inc., the nonprofit organization that was chosen as the Charity Ball partner. From the moment we began the process of being interviewed through the award of the check on the night of the Charity Ball, I was impressed with the enthusiasm, engagement, professionalism and commitment of the Charity Ball Team and all the students who came and held events with the children in the afternoons. From October to the week of the Ball, 230 or so Enloe students came to LT and provided the children with special events from clubs bringing enrichment activities to the Trunk or Treat, Thanksgiving Dinner with the children, to the Mini Charity Ball. In my 40 years working in the nonprofit sector, I must say that the Enloe Charity Ball was one of – if not the the most amazing of my career. I was humbled by the student team who gave all their hearts to the event and Learning Together. When the announcement of the check was made, I know I speak for all the Learning Together Board and staff – we were “blown away”! the ambitious goal of $100,000 was “blown away ” – the Enloe students had raised $118,000 in less than 3 months!

We were all brought to tears of joy and appreciation! It was the largest single gift Learning Together had received in my 33 years with the program. It was a night I will long remember as I will remember the talented and generous of spirit and heart Enloe students. I know all will do incredible things throughout their careers. Our community is fortunate to have the blessing of the Enloe Charity Ball. It speaks volumes about the integrity, sense of community, and generosity of the future ahead with such bright young people prepared to lead! Again, it was my honor to be a part of the Enloe Charity Ball experience! All my best to Urban Ministries as the partner for 2016!
Nell G. Barnes, Ed.D, Retired Executive Director
Learning Together, Inc.
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