When I visited Learning Together last year, every face that met mine was overflowing with joy and gratitude, though we had not raised a single dime for them yet. At the end of our tour, I took one step into the butterfly room, when a little boy in a yellow polo ran up to me and held on tightly to my leg. I looked down, his icy blue eyes gazing back up at me. He said, “You look like Elsa!” He proceeded to take my hand and walk me to his favorite bean bag chair. I sat there for an hour as he told me stories and styled my hair to look like Elsa’s from the Disney movie Frozen. In spite of his difficult circumstances at home, he embodied the positivity, perseverance, and passion that I could only dream to exemplify. He was my hero.
I see these same qualities in the people at Urban Ministries. They go through so many hardships that I cannot fathom: not knowing where their next meal will come from, not knowing where they will sleep at night, not having access to healthcare if they are struck with a disease. They are truly inspirational.
The magical part about Charity Ball is that we get to be their heroes for once. We have the opportunity to help them by donating, volunteering, and spreading the word. Once being a part of Charity Ball, I guarantee you’ll never be the same. You will never experience a greater joy than knowing you made someone’s day by lending a helping hand, adding a little happiness in their life, and making them feel valued and loved.
Laura Horton
Executive Council RA Coordinator
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