The Bigger Picture

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The Bigger Picture

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img_2530For the past four years, I have heard about Charity Ball and the huge amount of money student council has raised every year but, until this year, I never really grasped how much money they raised until I was apart of it. I now witness with a closer eye all of the work going into the 120k. With every email, every donation, every inspirational five minute long speech we give; we are changing lives. Even if we do not get the money we desire, we create awareness in our community which is more valuable than the money. Awareness leads to change which leads to a better community.

I’m blessed to be surrounded by young people with adult mindsets. We all share a common goal to help people! Not many high schoolers look at things with the perspective of a “bigger picture.” Enloe’s student body embodies the “bigger picture” and “Kids Doing Not Kid Things.”

We are KIDS raising a TON of money in less than THREE MONTHS. It honestly seems impossible.

Our drive, our passion, and our unity beat the impossible.

BUT we can only do it together (our entire student body.)

If we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, we will realize this is just a small spark that will ignite massive change in the community. People will see what we are doing and be inspired by our passion to make our world a better place. We are creating the building blocks to a bigger and better Charity Ball!

As I continue to look at the bigger picture I realize not many seventeen year olds can say they were apart of history, but I can.

#120kherewecome #ImAllinforUrbanMin

Chania Wilson

Executive Council Corresponding Secretary

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