Before last year, I didn’t really understand that I could make a difference in people’s lives that I didn’t know. I’m not rich or famous, and I am only a kid. I would see someone alone on the streets begging for money, my heart would break, but I would tell myself that I couldn’t help them and I would keep walking.
My outlook has changed drastically in the past year. Everything I do is with the knowledge that I can make a difference in someone’s life for the better, no matter how small or big that impact may be. So many people don’t realize the tools they have in front of them to make a positive change. All they have to do is open their eyes and realize that they can get the job done and help our community build itself up. Going to the Oak City Outreach Center this year didn’t make me sad. It gave me hope for a better tomorrow and a brighter future, as well as the reassurance that we are doing something real here. The money we raise and the volunteering we do is going to change our community for the better. I am not famous. I have no job of my own and I am only 16, but I am going to work hard to see that I do my part to meet our goal this year. You can make that difference too. All you have to do is use the tools around you.
Angela Lewis
Executive Council Member