13 years ago, I was a freshman at Enloe High School and, 13 years ago, I attended the first Enloe Charity Ball.
If you asked me 13 years ago if I would be back at Enloe, working with Charity Ball, as Student Council advisor, I would’ve told you that you had lost your mind. I would have also told you that it was crazy to think that a group of people (students no less) could expect to raise 150,000 dollars in 2 months.
Today, 13 years later, I would tell you that ‘lost your mind’ and ‘crazy’ are exactly what I aim for every day as a teacher. I want my students to set crazy goals and to think that I may or may not have lost my mind when I tell them that they’ll actually like derivatives (and they do!). I didn’t become a teacher to just do the expected. I go into work every day hoping that I’ll be able to do something crazy that will inspire a young person to keep the crazy going.
13 years ago, I got goosebumps when they announced that they raised 6 thousand dollars for Haven House. This year, I’ve gotten goosebumps every single day witnessing these amazing young people work. Today, I would tell you that you had lost your mind if you told me that anyone would want to be anywhere else, working with any other students. I would have also told you that it was crazy to think that a group of people (students no less) could NOT expect to raise 150,000 dollars in 2 months.
Change in 13 years in inevitable but some things, the best things, only get better with age. I can’t wait to see what crazy is being accomplished at Charity Ball in 13 more years.
Helon Davis
Student Council Advisor
I’m so proud of my very talented granddaughter!!! What an inspiration for her students! Congratulations, Helon!