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13 years ago, I was a freshman at Enloe High School and, 13 years ago, I attended the first Enloe Charity Ball.

If you asked me 13 years ago if I would be back at Enloe, working with Charity Ball, as Student Council advisor, I would’ve told you that you had lost your mind. I would have also told you that it was crazy to think that a group of people (students no less) could expect to raise 150,000 dollars in 2 months.

Today, 13 years later, I would tell you that ‘lost your mind’ and ‘crazy’ are exactly what I aim for every day as a teacher. I want my students to set crazy goals and to think that I may or may not have lost my mind when I tell them that they’ll actually like derivatives (and they do!). I didn’t become a teacher to just do the expected. I go into work every day hoping that I’ll be able to do something crazy that will inspire a young person to keep the crazy going.

13 years ago, I got goosebumps when they announced that they raised 6 thousand dollars for Haven House. This year, I’ve gotten goosebumps every single day witnessing these amazing young people work. Today, I would tell you that you had lost your mind if you told me that anyone would want to be anywhere else, working with any other students. I would have also told you that it was crazy to think that a group of people (students no less) could NOT expect to raise 150,000 dollars in 2 months.

Change in 13 years in inevitable but some things, the best things, only get better with age. I can’t wait to see what crazy is being accomplished at Charity Ball in 13 more years.

Helon Davis

Student Council Advisor 


One Comment so far:

  1. Quendy Veatch says:

    I’m so proud of my very talented granddaughter!!! What an inspiration for her students! Congratulations, Helon!