I’m 17 years old, and in the eyes of most people around me, a kid. My peers and I aren’t old enough to vote and some of us can’t drive, have a job, or do anything else on the laundry list of adult things one can do. That minuscule age of our lives between 15 and 18 seems like a period for us to prepare to go out into the real world, and live our real lives, and make real change. I don’t really subscribe to that, though. This December 9th, at about 10 pm, I will have been a part of some of the most REAL change I’ll make in my whole life. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars is a nice flat number to think about raising, but for a bunch of “kids” that’s really an astronomical amount of money. I’ve been alive for about 900,000 minutes, and some kids on Stuco as little as 750,000. 750,000 minutes all leading up to a check with 150,000 dollars on it. That’s 20 cents for every minute that kid has been alive on this planet. And for that one moment when that check is revealed, and everyone in the crowd thinks about how nice that is, and how hard we must’ve worked, the people who’ve been a part of it, the KIDS who have been a part of it, will have changed this city, and this planet forever.
Jack Lowder
Eagle Club President