Every Thanksgiving my family gathers around the table, in front of more food than we could finish in a week, to talk about what we’re thankful for. My mom’s thankful for our family’s health, my brother’s thankful for the food on our plates, and I’m thankful for the roof over our head.
We take health, food, and shelter, for granted, but the homeless population in Raleigh does not have that luxury. We accept that these three things are requirements to survive while looking past the reality that over 4,000 homeless people in Wake County do not have ready access to these necessities.
We are nearing the end of our fight to raise 150k for the new Multi-Services center, and with that we will work towards making these 3 basic needs obtainable for all of Raleigh, while changing homelessness as we know it. A common response to the work we do is surprise, or disbelief that a group of students would commit their life to creating this type of change. To me, it’s a no brainer, all people deserve to be thankful for what we take for granted each day. I know that on December 9th we will be presenting a check for $150,000 to the Partnership, so that next Thanksgiving those 4,000 can sit around their own tables in awe of all that they have to be thankful for.
Carmen Walker
VP of Governing Procedures