Imagine not knowing whether or not you would have a meal during thanksgiving, let alone any dinner, or a bed to sleep in. Imagine having your home constantly changing. It could be the nearest place with coverage from rain, a source of heat, a place to hide. Imagine staying strong for your children who you hope don’t fully understand the severity of their circumstances. Working your full efforts to change reality, but to the rest of the world you feel invisible. While many of us indulge in the materialism of life, this is the reality for tens of thousands of families in Wake County alone. The Partnership is making a difference for people in these situations, and we are helping them every step of the way.
On a cold Sunday evening Junior Council visited the Oak City Outreach Center to help pass out canned goods and clean. Every person I interacted with, every smile or just subtle glance exchanged as they picked out what food will sustain them for the week, made all of our efforts feel worthwhile. Despite what clothes we wear, or how much money our families have, in the end we are all just human. We relate in our hopes, fears, and all deserve to feel comfortable where we sleep, where we live, and with what we eat. Moments such as these remind me why we do Charity Ball. It is not all about the thrill of raising $150,000, as much as it is about changing and touching the lives of people in Wake County.
When I look around Enloe as Charity Ball season approaches, I’m amazed by the compassion shown by countless individuals. Not only from our staff and student body, but the devotion and purpose that we embody is spreading throughout Wake County. I’m so grateful to be surrounded by teenagers that feel so driven and passionate about Charity Ball that they chose to spend their limited free time fundraising or volunteering. Although we vary in backgrounds and interests, we all relate on the common ground that we aspire to make a positive difference in the lives of others, and that’s what truly makes Charity Ball so unique and meaningful.
Imagine if we are the ones to end homelessness in Raleigh. Imagine all the happiness that could be brought to the lives of hundreds. We are alive with purpose, we are the change, and we want you to be part of this journey together with us to make this dream a reality.
Anabel Russo
Junior Class Senator