If you ask the majority of adults in Raleigh to describe typical high school students, many responses might contain words like “uninspired”, “selfish”, or “unmotivated”. And for some, this may be the case. But ask anybody involved in Charity Ball to describe Enloe Student Council and I can guarantee that you will hear the complete opposite. You will hear stories about the time that we raised $118,000 for the beautiful children at Learning Together, whose toothless smiles could melt the hardest heart. You will hear stories about the remarkably tangible impact that we made on our local community by working with the Interfaith Food Shuttle, a charity that operates throughout Raleigh and even out of our own school to send much-needed meals home through Backpack Buddies. You will most assuredly hear stories about the grit, tenacity, and organization that emanates from Enloe Student Council.
I can’t help but swell with a pride when I talk about StuCo and Charity Ball. I challenge you to find a group of students as driven, as focused, and as downright good anywhere else in our city, county, or state. Nobody does it for the the fame, because there really is none. Sure, we’re building a brand and a name for ourselves that is growing within the community, but Charity Ball is love. A love for each other. A love for our communities. And, most importantly, a love for what we do.
Charity Ball fundraising doesn’t kick off until November, but it’s a year-round affair. Students and teachers spend the offseason brainstorming and revamping, so when #cbzn comes around, it’s game time. The evolution of Charity Ball in the four years that I’ve been at Enloe is a wonderful mixture of breath-taking, awe-inspiring, and heartwarming. I feel a palpable increase in the passion and purpose every October at fall retreat, which continues to snowball as the year goes on. We are living with purpose more intensely than ever before, and if you don’t believe me, take a look at the rest of the blogs on this website, or scroll through @EHSCharityBall on Twitter. This is a movement driven by love, stories, and passion, and I hope that if you’re reading this you take the time to witness all of these things in what we have done, and contribute in your own way.
Noah de Comarmond
Executive Council