Charity Ball isn’t just an event giving back to the community, it’s a spirit.
Freshman Retreat
Sitting around the conference table, the 14 members of freshman council compiled a list of fundraising ideas and agreed on a goal of $12,000. We were all lethargic at first to contribute our ideas as we had no idea what Charity Ball meant to us. However, the next three months leading up to Charity Ball would lay the foundation to allow us to dream bigger and fulfill our potential.
Selling coffee every Monday at 6:50 AM, going door to door asking for donations, emailing corporations, and singing Christmas carols are all vital and fun components of the fundraising process. But, it is the excitement that is built up at our weekly meetings that encourage us to work harder and think outside the box. The peers and advisors that surrounded me freshman year allowed me to break the thought, “I’m too young to raise this much money.” Every meeting, we would discuss where we stood, what we needed to complete to reach our goal and brainstormed new and effective methods to achieve our goals. We departed from every meeting with the same feeling: I can do this. That spirit is what has kept me going for the past four years in achieving the unbelievable.
Senior Retreat
Here I am, at my last fall retreat, working towards the last goal: $150,000. It’s nostalgic yet, inspiring to see the freshman excited to incorporate their talents into fundraising and embrace Charity Ball with their whole heart. The beautiful CB spirit generated at council, executive, and greatco meetings is something I hope to share with the rest of the community.
Seeing the check presentation brings a euphoric feeling to me as I can visually see where our hard work has brought us to and what it will go to. This year, we are benefitting Raleigh Wake Partnership to End and Prevent Homelessness and our effort will pour into building the Multi-Services Center which will coordinate services and allow people to get immediate access to fundamental necessities. I hope to spread the CB spirit and join hands with more community individuals to take a step forward in ending homelessness. We can do it!
Rhea John
Executive Council Member