With the Charity Ball 2017 only days away, I am overwhelmed with memories of the incredible experience of Charity Ball. I am retired now but I had the honor of being the Executive Director of Learning Together, the Enloe Charity Ball 2015 partner. The time shared with the Enloe students was a highlight of my 40 years working in the non-profit sector. It is a true challenge to capture in a few words that capture the experience with the Enloe Charity Ball and all the students.
Commitment. There was no doubt from the moment we became engaged with the Charity Ball that the students had done their homework about the needs in the community and that they had made a commitment to make a difference in their community. The students had a vision and goal and they had obviously decided that they would realize both no matter what it took.
Action. The Charity Ball was not just about all the work to be done raising funds for a charity in need for these students. It was about learning firsthand about the challenge in the community they were addressing and being engaged with the charity. Over 230 Enloe students gave of their time and talents by coming to Learning Together and interacting with the young children for whom they were working. They gave of themselves and their hearts.
Inspiration. The Enloe Charity Ball and the Enloe Students are inspiring. These remarkable students year after year prove that anything is possible if you give your heart and work hard to make it a reality. The Enloe students are professional, tireless, creative, energetic and I have no doubts will do incredible good works in their adult lives
The Enloe Charity Ball plants the seeds of community service and philanthropy in its students. Our community is fortunate to have Enloe High School and be the recipient of remarkable life-changing work its students and faculty does each year.
Nell Barnes
Former Executive Director of Learning Together