In a position of comfort, it is easy to say nothing is majorly wrong with the economic, social and political systems in this country. It is easy to expect that a certain number of people will live in poverty and a smaller number will be homeless. We rationalize to ourselves that this is okay, that this is the way it has to be, that there is just not enough to go around. We find comfort in the way things are, losing sight of the way things could be. However, food, shelter, life, health care and access to education are not only human necessities, they are human rights. It is not the responsibility of the wealthy to provide charity for the poor. It is the responsibility of those in power, those living in comfort and those living in wealth, to give all they can to ensure every human being has access to the necessities of life.
As John Lennon once said, “You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one;” this is not an impossible dream. There are enough resources for every person on Earth. The United States’ annual defense budget is more than enough to stably house every homeless person in North America. Having the ability to better the lives of millions of people by providing the basic necessities of life and not doing so, is not only wrong but also a disillusion of the status quo.
Drastic change is possible. Drastic improvement is possible. If a small group of high school students can raise over $150,000 in two months, imagine what a group of Wall Street Executives could do if they were similarly alive with purpose. Though there are many things wrong with our system, we cannot afford to wait for those in power to make a change.The time is now. We must be alive, we must have purpose, we must love, and we must continue this tradition of philanthropy with the goal of eliminating the need for philanthropy. Please help us create change. Support Enloe Charity Ball in raising over $150,000 for the Raleigh Wake Partnership to End and Prevent Homelessness.
In closing, a quote from musician Stephen Stills:
“But you know we gotta do it
We gotta keep on keeping on
Because if we don’t do it nobody else is gonna
But you know if we can’t do it with a smile on our face
You know if we can’t love in our hearts then children we ain’t got no right to do it at all
Because it just means we ain’t learned nothing yet”
Benjamin Hogewood
Clubs and Organizations Officer
The sentiment expressed by Benjamin is thoughtful and “spot on”.
I enter a guilty plea to being prideful and proud to say this is my grandson. I will do my utmost to follow his guidance.
Wanny and I salute the effort being made by this exceptional group of young folks.
May their numbers multiply!