This has been it! My very first charity ball season and already I have seen the power a small group of people has; when we work together to unite the community and promote a good cause, I can only imagine the things we could do if we strived to push this to a larger scale.
I always have this excitement whenever I get a donation because I know that every dollar is going to make a difference in the life of somebody else. I only wish that everyone could feel the happiness that I felt when I got my first donation. I wish everyone could feel the excitement of helping a kid in the Miracle league win a home run. I wish everyone could feel the completeness of seeing months of planning and hard work finally come together. I feel that if I had not decided to run for Student Council this year, I would have cast a blind eye to the great things that we are doing for the community.
The sacrifices and the time spent was all for a reason, and that reason is to make the world a better place, little by little. I can now understand the meaning of being “Alive with Purpose”
“Each one of us is a brush stroke and we all come to make a painting.”
-Yaseen Echekki 2k18
Yaseen Echekki
Sophomore Senator