One of my favorite movies of all time is the Disney movie, Ratatouille. The movie is about a talented rat who has a passionate love for food. However, he feels that he is unable to pursue his dream, because of what he is and what those around him think. He feels this way until he hears the famous chef, Gusteau, say, “The only limit is your soul…anyone can cook but only the fearless can be great.”
When I was little, I had thought that there were limits to the amount of things you could accomplish as a kid. Sure there’s acing a test or even surviving your first day of high school, but I had never thought about raising over $100,000. When I first joined Student Council in my freshman year, I was baffled that a group of high school students had a goal to raise $120,000 in three months. I wondered if a group of teenagers could make such a difference in our community. I thought that only important adults like the mayor or your favorite celebrity could make a difference.
But as the weeks went by, I saw the passion in everyone’s eyes as we strove to meet our goal. They were fearless and hard working. We called, emailed, and knocked on doors of everyone we knew. We did fundraiser after fundraiser, trying to scrape together enough funds to reach our goal. As the three months went by, my fear and skepticism lowered but still, I was nervous.
As the moment of truth approached, I wondered, “Did we really meet our goal?”
“This year we have raised… ONE-HUNDRED AND FORTY-THOUSAND DOLLARS.” The crowd roared as I stared at my friends with our mouths wide open. I was amazed that we raised $20,000 over our original goal. I was so proud of Student Council and our community, and my perspective had changed since that day.
As we work diligently to raise money and prepare for this year’s Charity Ball, I have no doubt that we will reach our goal this year. IGNITE’s ability to teach and support those with autism is truly inspiring, and I hope that Charity Ball will help those with autism get the same realization I had gotten, as well as the perseverance to pursue their dreams.
Heidi Min
Communications Secretary