The word “impact” is defined as having a strong effect on someone or something. It’s so ubiquitous of a word that most of us have probably never stopped to think about how interesting and vast its connotations are. We use the word “impact” in a myriad of situations and occasions that the real meaning of the word seems to get lost in translation.“How can I make an impact?” Freshman year, I posed this question to myself. I repeated the word, “impact”, a solid 1,000 times before the answers started to quickly fall into line.
It is easily and often forgotten that you don’t have to look far to find people in need. However, it’s not merely the realization of need within our community that evokes real change. It’s the understanding and acceptance of one another that allows real and tangible changes to be made. Its when we sit down and listen to each other’s goals and aspirations that allows these ties and connections with others to flourish. Letting people know that they are heard and giving them a platform to spread their cause is what makes an impact. The magnitude of problems in our society is vast and the possible solutions that we can help entertain are effectively limitless.
Charity Ball fuels human connections not only through the teamwork within Student Council, but also through outreach into the local community. It unifies individuals into a team and allows them to be apart of something that benefits a much larger group of people. The concept of forming a bond with other individuals and working together towards a common goal illustrates the passion that Charity Ball cultivates in the students and community in and around Enloe. At first glance, it seems improbable that a group of high school students could make such an impact on communities in need.
In 2017 we raised $180k for Raleigh-Wake Partnership an organization to help fight homelessness. This year we hope to raise $200k for the Autism Society of North Carolina in order to help improve the lives of individuals and families with autism. Participating in Charity Ball is binary in allowing High School students to forge a deep connection with others while effecting change in our community. Through my time at Enloe, the word impact has become synonymous with Charity Ball.
Sydney Marks
Clubs and Organizations Officer