“If you want it, and the more you keep hearing you can’t have it, you just go out and get it.” -Cardi B
I have always been a person rooted in determination. If it’s from wanting to get an A on a final exam to wanting to get a bag of chips from the gas station, trust and believe I will achieve my goal. I’ve always loved being involved in activities at Enloe. Ever since my first day of freshman year, I wanted to give my all and keep myself busy to fill my inquisitive mind. The thought of joining Student Council never came to my mind until the middle of my sophomore year.
I remember right after Enloe Charity Ball brought out the $205,000 check for the Autism Society of NC, chills of enthusiasm seeped through my spine as everyone started cheering for what ECB and Student Council had accomplished. It made me question the process behind the success of Charity Ball. That’s when my determination to be on Student Council first started.
By the time the elections started, I was 100 percent sure what role I wanted to run for on Student Council. I wanted to go the full 9 yards on my campaign: posters, backpack tags, slogans, and a whole campaign team. Despite this fun, extravagant campaign, I still felt like I was missing something. I wanted something that would make people remember my campaign after it was over. Even if I won or lost, I wanted to make sure Enloe students were going to remember me. That’s when the plan struck me to make a song. I saw people had used songs in past elections. So I thought to myself, “Why not hop on to the bandwagon and make a song”. I posted the video on every social media account I had to ensure I was getting ample coverage. I woke up the next day with 2000 views and over 50 shares and saves on Instagram. I was so enthused and proud of the hours of preparation and determination I put into that video which made me feel confident about the election.
Now in the present, as I reflect on the past since I’ve been on Student Council, I have no regrets in joining Enloe Student Council. I have never been around so many dedicated, committed, and intelligent people before in one room working on a huge project together. But let me tell you, it is beautiful. No matter how chaotic this Charity Ball season may get, I know we are going to reach our goal of $200,000 and fulfill #OurPromise to Southeast Raleigh.
Isaiah Bussey
Junior Class Senator