Four years ago, I was hesitant. Hesitant to try new things. Hesitant to meet new people. Hesitant to go out of my comfort zone. This hesitancy became a wall that I had to climb in order to find myself and the potential that I could reach.
I was finally able to climb over that wall when I was encouraged to run for Enloe Student Council. Somebody who I looked up to had told me that Student Council was the best thing I could join, so I listened and got the courage to run for Freshman Class Vice President. I can remember spending hours trying to figure out a campaign slogan, trying to figure out Photoshop to make a campaign graphic, and trying to ask people if they wanted a backpack tag. But I was finally doing what I had trouble taking on. Trying.
This “trying” started an experience like no other for me. Luckily I was elected onto Enloe Student Council and started to learn about the usual school events that we organized, but this was all expected. What took me by surprise was the magnitude of what Enloe Student Council took on every year, being Enloe Charity Ball. I was amazed by the leadership that was on display, having worked with student leaders such as Ben Hogewood, Patrick Nixon, and Angela Lewis. I could have never imagined that a student body would have been able to collectively raise 205K for the Autism Society of NC in 2018 and follow up by raising 207K for Southeast Raleigh Promise in 2019.
Being witness to the dedication and drive that students had for Enloe Charity Ball inspired me. This inspiration has pushed me this year to become the Student Body Vice President of Finance and go 110% to fundraise for Haven House’s mission to help youth be safe, supported, and successful. Although this is the last year of my Enloe Student Council Career, the experiences I have shared with my peers will be cherished forever. I am so glad to have climbed over my wall of hesitancy Freshman year and hope to inspire anybody who feels the same way I did four years ago.
Just remember, with Enloe students…the sky’s the limit.
Kyle Lin
Student Body Vice President of Finance