As a 14-year old prospective Enloe student longing for a traditional high school experience, I was at first dejected by the unappealing announcement of “one dance.” However, over the course of the last three years, I have developed a deep appreciation and love for not only this “one dance,” but for the people and process involved in it.
Enloe is unique in that we don’t have a Homecoming dance, a Sadies-Hawkins, or a Winter-Formal. We have Enloe Charity Ball – the one special opportunity for the entire Enloe student body to abandon our academic studies, get dressed up, and gather in celebration for a charitable cause! In the weeks and days leading up to the festivities in December, the Enloe halls are buzzing with excitement about dates, dresses and dinner plans.
Behind the scenes of this event, Student Council has served as my microscope into the detail, passion, and collaboration involved in pulling it all together. In my past three years on council, I have not only had the privilege to observe and admire all the effort that goes into Enloe Charity Ball, led by excellent student leaders and sparked by a drive to serve the community and one lucky and worthy organization, but I’ve also taken part in it. Contributed to it. Immersed myself in it. I am amazed by the dedication put into each physical publicity banner, each dollar earned by caroling, and each email sent to possible donors, among the many more details. This eye-opening insight has inspired a greater appreciation for Enloe’s “one dance” and the opportunity to be “alive with purpose.”
I am honored to play a small part in the 2023 Enloe Charity Ball, and I can’t wait to see our hard work, in partnership with Neighbor to Neighbor, culminate in the big reveal on December 16th! While you continue to stress about all the seemingly life-and-death day-of details, don’t lose sight of the real purpose and meaning of the Enloe Charity Ball and be proud of what we have accomplished! May the upcoming weeks bring resolved outfits, dinner plans, and $165K!
Penny Choy